1 - BIBLICAL THEOLOGY → Theological Foundations

A study of Boundary Laws of the Bible - Dr. Patti Amsden (BT210)

(LEGACY COURSE) This course studies the subject of boundaries as found within the pages of scrip­ture. Students learn to define what boundaries are, who must observe boundaries, the consequence of violating boundaries and how to legally transfer boundaries. An analysis of the Ten Commandments is provided, based on the boundaries that must be observed in each one.

-Recognize that all study of law is a study of boundaries.
-Notice that all spheres of life have God-ordained boundaries.
-Understand the concept of transgression as boundary viola­tion.
-Be encouraged to honor and obey the boundaries of God and one’s neighbor.

Title - The Law of Boundaries
Author - Dr. Patti Amsden
Click HERE to order.

Course Textbook: NOT INCLUDED

  • Introduction sample
  • Video Lectures
  • Session 1 sample
  • Session 2
  • Session 3
  • Session 4
  • Session 5
  • Session 6
  • Session 7
  • Session 8
  • Session 9
  • Session 10
  • Exam
  • BT210 Exam
  • Survey
  • BT210 Course Survey
Completion rules
  • You must complete the test "BT210 Exam"